Online or In Person Estimates
Do you need help with your clutter? Let a professional from our team come meet with you and assess your particular needs to make the best plan for you.
Our goal is to work alongside you to provide a safe and functional house while removing the stress and anxiety typically associated with the de-cluttering process. One phone call to your new friends at Steri-Clean and you will realize how we can make you feel completely comfortable with us. Contact us today to set up an onsite assessment, or if desired you can submit photos to us through the free estimate process outlined below. Either way, we can provide you with an estimate for your needs quickly and efficiently.
Free Photo Estimates
Steri-Clean is proud to announce our new free estimates on-line. Due to popular demand, you now have the ability to submit your photos on-line, speak with a representative over the phone to describe your goals for the home, and receive an estimate in your inbox. The same caring, compassionate staff will discuss your situation with you, review the photographs you provide, and custom tailor a plan to accomplish your goals. "Restoring Homes and Lives" is what we do every day at Steri-Clean and we are pleased to announce we can accommodate your electronic requests.
What you do:
- Please complete the form below.
- Take photographs of the home or property we will be cleaning. Take two photographs of each bedroom, dining room, living area, patio, garage, or storage unit you would like addressed. Take the photo from the doorway or as far back as you can. The first photograph should be from the left wall to the center of the room, the second photograph from the center of the room to the right hand wall. The more living area you capture with your lens, the better perspective we can have.
- Upload your photos into the appropriate fields below.
- Indicate a good time to call you to discuss the situation. Please allow 1 business day for our receipt of the request.
- Press "SUBMIT"
What the team at Steri-Clean will do:
- Review your submission within 1 business day of receipt.
- Contact you at the desired time to review your request.
- Discuss your desire for the cleanup process; what you would like the home to look like, what your goals are, answer your questions. Some homes may still require an in-home assessment.
- Email an estimate which details our discussion, the custom tailored approach to restore your home to a safe, functional, and enjoyable home for you, and provides a price for the services.
The team at Steri-Clean is here to assist you in any way we can, and that now includes electronic requests. A plan to declutter your home has never been easier. Submit your photos today and allow the professionals at Steri-Clean to assist you in enjoying your home sooner than you thought possible.